Sunday, January 8, 2012

not big enough

God isn't BIG enough
in my perception

I reduce Him to ink on a page
words of Christ in red

I love Him like I love
an adorable, romantic, brooding Figure

Is He more than that to me?

Have I trained my brain to be wooed
by a mere Man
of stories
of the past
of fiction?

I read of His terrible wrath
His patient loving-kindness
His sacrifice
for the ones He loves
as a story

A beautiful, touching, inspiring story

Is my God a living One
that is the same today as He was walking with Enoch
snatching up Elijah
protecting David
weeping at Lazarus' death
overturning tables in the temple
accepting the humble worship of sinners?

Have I the faith to praise a present God?
To live as if He's alive?

Or is my heart just warmed by the story?

Just ink on a page
words of Christ in red

I fear
God isn't BIG enough
in my perception


  1. This is maybe worth a read.

    It reminds me when I read Mary weeping after Jesus' resurrection when she said, "They have taken away my Lord and I know not where they laid him" (Gospel of John). I remember thinking, "Would I weep if my Lord were taken away and I didn't know where he was put?" If not, my God is too small.

    My komboskini is an Eastern Orthodox prayer rope and on each knot we pray "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner" (Like the Publican's prayer from Luke's Gospel). There is a tassel at the end of it and a Greek priest once told me, "It is for wiping away your tears of repentance, and if you have no tears, it is to remind you that you should."

  2. I have a feeling I've read parts of that, for some reason. Thanks for the suggestion, Sam!

    Also, I like the idea of the komboskini. Interesting.

  3. Intriguing. What evidence would indicate thinking He is small or big? Also read: If you thought God small, what would your heart, mind and actions looks like? If you thought God big, what would your heart, mind and actions looks like? Thanks for the food for thought, you too Sam :)
