Sunday, March 25, 2012

stuff my kids said [3/23]

This edition is dedicated to one of my favorite five-year-olds.
Wednesday was his last day, and no one told me, so I didn't get to say goodbye!  :(

Guess what I love to make you strong?  MUSCLES.  I love muscles.
My bike goes berry sast! ("Very fast!")
No I amn't!  (A contraction of "am not" -- I think she's onto something, personally.)
...Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, twenty... 3D! 
Holy cow you're good.   It takes practice, hon. Yeah, you start like a baby, just scribbling.  And then you get gooder and gooder and gooder and gooder and then you get good like Miss Anna!
My triangle looks like a little Santa hat. 
That yellow's a little dirty.  Well.  That's just the way God made it, I guess. 
Hey!  Excuse me!  I spelled my whole name!
You're not a teacher, you're a girl kid!
'Serious' means she doesn't really know me, or something.
Do you know what 'extinct' means?  It means all your skin rolls off and it's just bones.  You can't touch extinct animals - they're scratchy claws.
Anyway, I like popcorn.  EVERYONE likes popcorn.  Besides, who doesn't like popcorn?
Who is it? A dad with really big nose hairs (said by another kid).  Is it my mom?
I have a bunch of rocks for my mom and they're shiny.   
I get tired of running and running and running... ME: You can sit down and rest for a bit!  Ok, thanks! 
I'll tell you how tall T-Rexes are with my hand.  THIS tall. 
I'm so hungry that I want to eat the trees. 
My birthday is far away, in California. 
That's smaller than a baby?  YUCK!  Babies are disgusting! 
Geography, a conversation:
I live in the mountains! I live in Africa!  Well... I mean, Greyfox Drive.  It means a grey fox.  They are so cute. 
 Putting shoes on the right feet:
If I was a big girl, and I had them on, I'd have them on wrong!
Are those your sunglasses, Miss Anna?  I like the design.  The frames look like they're from a volcano. 


  1. this all made me giggle!! The little girl I nanny for also uses the contraction "amn't" i don't understand why it isn't grammatically correct.... :)

  2. Thanks, Jess! Kids are... adorable. And basically I'm paid to be entertained, right? And change diapers, deal with attitude, etc. :)
