Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 Goals and Resolutions

Oh Calvin.  You get me.

But seriously, I have such a hard time with goals.  Meeting goals, that is.  Making them is fairly easy.  I get distracted.  I unprioritize and reprioritize.  I get lazy.  I don't wanna read x amount of books, or write x amount of sonnets.  Let's see how this year goes, then, when I make goals that are less easily measured.
  1. Talk on the phone more, and in doing so, defeat my fear of the thing.
  2. Stop saying the word "annoying", and in doing so, be less easily annoyed.  (It's good in theory.)
  3. Do not complain, whine, or gossip.  Ever.  (Except maybe to Kevin.  That's basically like talking to myself.)
  4. Finish all the books I left half-done in 2012.  There are quite a few of 'em.
  5. Read more fiction.
  6. Read more classics.
  7. Play and teach piano.  (Seriously.  This one is happening, and I'm a bit nervous about it!)
  8. Take voice lessons again.  (Yikes!  If I can find the time for it, I wanna make this one happen!)
  9. Move into a house!
  10. Be a better wife and friend.
  11. Support and encourage Kevin.  (Sometimes I forget he has to verbally process and dream.)
  12. Write more letters.
  13. Spend more structured time praying and in the Scriptures.
  14. Be more assertive.
  15. Stand up straighter.
  16. Be more active.
  17. Cook more, and learn to bake.
  18. Be spontaneous.
  19. Watch less TV.
  20. Don't take short-cuts out of laziness.