Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Q 8:30

Craig Blomberg (Kev's Gospel & Acts professor and renowned NT scholar) has graciously extended to me the opportunity to attend class with Kevin on Tuesday nights.  Auditing... for free!... a class at Denver Seminary!  What a dream come true!

Turns out, Blomberg has a penchant for saying funny things.  Not unlike a certain beloved former professor of ours from PBU.  So, I've begun a list.  A list of quotes.  Feel free to enjoy.

To give a bit of context, the class (first class of the semester) was an overview highlighting the events between the Testaments: Malachi to Matthew.  This may or may not clarify some of the more obscure one-liners.

[On a diagram of Bible translations] "The Message... it's kind of been hovering there all along.  Down there at the bottom."

"What's the opposite of an auditor?  A... creditor?"

"I have yet to figure out a method to convince people that I mean this [a student is not able to reschedule any missed quiz or exam, or ask for exceptions]!  ...Maybe some year before I die no one will ask.  We'll see."

"You're going to get a head start on next week's quiz.  I'm going to give you the answers to some of the questions... hidden in some of the things I say."

"I may not agree with everything in these books... I don't know if I agree with every word in my books!  Hope you're open to new thoughts!"

"Insert here oral file #38... that's a made up number... [lecture on expectations, turning in papers... and two minutes later], end of file 38."  Complete with air quotes.

"Greet one another with a holy kiss... don't worry, I've never brought myself to do it - you can relax."

"I don't know how far geography brought you, but hopefully India is a word you've heard of."

"This is the earliest known photograph... no... this is a statue."

"...Bad joke.  So bad, no one got it."  Seriously, so bad I don't remember what it was he said.

[Antiochus IV - desecrating the Temple] "...This does not go over well."

"Stay tuned for further developments!"

"Judas, called Maccabeas, led a revolt against the Syrians - was he the original Chuck Norris?  Perhaps."

"The Pharisees and the Sadducees, the two leadership sects - always need to pronounce that clearly."

[Describing the 6 Herods of the NT] "Herod the Great is the Herod who appears every Christmas."

[As he begins preaching, on a slight rabbit trail] "Haha, it's sounding a lot like a church, which, legally we are in the eyes of the IRS, so I'll keep going..."

1 comment:

  1. you're good at these lists. I hope you keep writing them forever, because i live vicariously through them, haha.
