Sunday, February 26, 2012

stuff my kids said [over the last month or so]

The "Did-You-Knows":
Did you know?  I have camera eyes!  I can see under snow and grass!
Did you know I have cookies on the side of my backpack?
Did you know I'm a famous artist?  Because I can draw Rapunzel! 
You know Darth Vader's in charge, right? 
What is that? (I literally could not think of another word for this shape he had drawn... so I said a quadrilateral.  I know.) Oh!  A qatsawata!  I can always make a qatsawata!
You know why people need money?  To buy stuff.  To buy lollipops.  Because you can't just have them. 
Miss Anna - I can't pet my dog anymore.  (Aww, how come?) He died.
Animal sounds:
A snake makes a noise like this: Aaaooooooooo!!!
Miss Anna, I can make a really cute kitty sound!  (It was pretty much an ambulance siren noise.) 
Are eyes the shortest on your body?
We went to the doctor and my mommy pulled my a** out! (Oh!  That's a naughty word; we don't say that.) Yeah, because you could die!
Ahh! My belly button split!
I spit up in the sink, and it hurt my tummy and I had a fever... and I had a baby in my tummy. 
Sophie throwed up today.  On our table.  And we saw her food.  But whatever.  We saw beans and carrots.
Miss Anna, I know it makes you sad, but no thank you. 
Oh really:
Well, a spider could shoot the boat and it would collapse!  (Really? A spider?) Miss Anna, I was meanting a robot spider! 
Seriously? You think your mom is a princess?
I'm going to be a kitty in a couple of minutes.  Little kitty in the classroom.  It's called "Kitty's Playground!" 
I'm going to hit you with a book.  (Hey, that's not very nice!) I mean a fake book! 
I see Aidan D.  (But he already went home!)  He's in my brain!  Do you want me to pull him out?
Miss Anna, these shoes can do anything! 
In my mouth is a whistle! 
Hey Miss Anna, guess what I saw!  A dead dragon!  (Oh wow, where'd you see that?) At the dragon museum when I was two!
I can sing like a fairy.  Or a princess.
I can sing like a cool dude.  
I'm not going to guess until you tell me! 
We are learning important things! 
Bathroom humor:
I have a lot of poop energy!
That was like a potty dance that he did.  Or a potty sing?  ...Creepy. 

Monday, February 20, 2012


Whatever is true, 
whatever is honorable, 
whatever is just, 
whatever is pure, 
whatever is lovely, 
whatever is commendable, 
if there is any excellence, 
if there is anything worthy of praise, 
think about these things.  
Philippians 4:8

If you read the context of the passage cited above, it says, "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  Peace results from putting these things in your mind.  

I haven't been careful with what I've been putting into my mind.  And it's been obvious to me.  I don't feel that peace, I don't feel that protection over my heart and mind.  I feel heaviness.

So.  I'm proactively guarding my heart by guarding my eyes.  Certain TV shows, movies, articles online... no more for me.  Am I so ignorant to think that it does not affect me?  That I can willingly expose myself to the things that are the opposite of the things listed above and not be embittered, unsettled?  

Let me challenge you: take an inventory of the things you spend your time on.  Are the things you watch/do/read/listen to uplifting?  Encouraging?  Honorable?  True?  It might surprise you how desensitized you've become to the ugly things of life.  Join me in throwing out the trash.  Let's live in peace.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

oh life life life

It's been a while since I've blogged about... anything, really.  Besides just my records of the hilarious and/or insightful things my kids say at the preschool.  So.  Here's why.

I'm not sure exactly why I do this to myself.  I guess I just figure that I have "all the time in the world" now that I'm out of college, and living "real life".  Au contraire!  If I thought I was busy then - a 20-credit undergrad student, working at 20 hour/week job, trying to have some semblance of a social life - what am I doing to myself NOW?  Let me give you the run-down of what my "semester" looks like this year:

- Working full-time at Starbucks.
- Working part-time at Evergreen Academy.
- Being a housewife (seriously - I'm making a career out of doing laundry, dishes, cooking, etc) and loving on my husband, keeping that relationship real.
- Being an obedient servant of God (all that that entails, some listed below, some just having to do with my personal spiritual life... this is a relationship that demands up-keep, as well!)
- Being a friend and mentor (I have more of a social life now than I ever did in college - what?!)
- Singing and playing piano for Saturday evening services at our church.
- Supporting Kevin and the youth group by attending Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings (mostly regularly).
- Taking an online course at Red Rocks (it's a 101, but still is work).
- Working on learning 15 new songs to be the piano accompanist for the spring musical at the local high school (boy, am I rusty - but excited for the challenge and the chance to get involved with the youth!)
- Trying to finish this 700 pg book... just to be DONE with it already!
- And now because Kev and I have decided that what I need is more peer-fellowship - I'm joining a Bible study with a friend and some other ladies down the mountain.

This is my life, guys.  I love it.  I love what I do, my friends, my life.  Truly.  But I feel like I'm killing myself sometimes.  Like, I never have time to breathe.  I have days off, obviously, but those days are taken up with all the other busyness I have to "get done".  It's so easy for me to get overwhelmed and stressed and take it out on people closest to me (i.e: Kevin).  Not good!

So, here are some things I need to be constantly reminding myself.

These are the things I know:
- This is a 101 course.  I can and will get a decent grade, basically despite my best efforts to the contrary.
- I am good at playing piano, and after I acquaint myself with the songs a bit more, I'll be fine.
- I cannot take out my stress on Kevin.
- Adarae is coming to visit me in five days and will make everything better! (Plus, days off work!)
- God is faithful, and I am able to please Him by my obedience in the little things as well as the big things.
- I cannot always please everyone - so I can't beat myself up for failing in the little things, asking forgiveness, etc.  I cannot let my fear of letting others down affect my day-to-day.
- I can love people in little ways that make a big difference.
- I can organize and prioritize: Do what matters most first.