1) Learn German. Ehh. This one is on hold for the time being. Faith and I are learning Koine Greek, instead! Rosetta Stone's too danged expensive!
2) Read through the complete works of Shakespeare. Gonna work on this one this summer! AKA soon.
3) Go hiking/camping on a mountain with Kevin. Also a summer goal. Probably going to count this as completed when Collette & Pete come out and visit (which we so very much hope they will do!)
4) See sunrise on said mountain. See above.
5) Use the paint supplies I have acquired. Well, I've only got blank canvases. No paint. So...
6) Use the Pilates DVD and mat I bought myself for Christmas. For two weeks, I was pretty faithful with this, but things got busy & I got lazy. Will have to pick it up again. Oy.
7) Write a letter to a friend a week. With this, I've done okay. I wouldn't say it's been one per week, but at least three a month!
8) Journal weekly. Yessah!
9) Read through the collected works of Milton. Erhm... after Shakespeare. Promise.
10) Read through the collected works of Lewis. Have read The Great Divorce, and am half done with The Four Loves. For my thoughts on these, see my other blog!
11) Read through The Making of a Sonnet, and attempt one a month. Nope. Haven't been feeling it. But might be a good fall-winter activity. Will see.
12) Work harder than absolutely necessary. I think I've got this one. But, to be continued.
13) Develop relationships with the girls in the youth group. Yes! So far so good! Also, to be continued!
14) Sing out. Yes... but I need to be reminded of this kinda often.
15) Develop better posture. Oy. I need to see a chiropractor.
16) Complete the application process and become a certified teacher in the state of Colorado. Yes! Finished the application, just waiting to hear!
17) Learn more about pre-K education. Finished ECE101, just begun Guidance Strategies!
18) Collect and read as many of my childhood-favorite books as I possibly can! Doing okay with this one, too - read The Prisoner of Zenda, and recently acquired the Roll of Thunder series!
How are YOU doing on your 2012 goals??
As you can see, I've got a lot of work to do..........
but 9/18 seems to be right on track!
Hi Anna,
ReplyDeleteYour cuz Julie here. :) I just wanted to say I loved Lewis' 4 Loves. The beginning of Lewis' works are always harder for me to get through than the end. I never understand why he starts where he does (Like in the Problem of Pain when he starts with philosophically talking about time) and then there is a point in the book where it just blooms. And all of a sudden I reach a point of understanding why the conversations at the beginning were so important. 4 Loves didn't bloom for me until the end but when it did it became one of my favorites. I wish you the best in meeting your goals for 2012!
Thanks for the encouragement, Julie! I just love Lewis' command of language - but sometimes in The Four Loves he seems to ramble. I'll finish it & I look forward to "getting" it at the end! Hope you & Ryan are well!