Beautiful day that it was, Kevin and I curtailed the church service (although we stayed for the baby dedication!) and headed on a day trip to reconnect with my family’s roots in New Hanover, PA.
A bit of back story: even though it was a beautiful day and Kevin and I always get along and always love each other perfectly… we sometimes do have discussions that result in either (or both) of us feeling a bit grumpy. In this case, I was pestering Kevin to leave the apartment, and when he threw on a t-shirt, I smiled and asked him to change again… we were both wearing the same shade of purple. Just can’t do it. Anyway.

After a brisk lunch, we stopped by DD to get iced coffees. What a glorious day! Kevin was a little grumpy when he had to struggle with his iced coffee and shift gears at a traffic light and spilled a tiny tiny bit of coffee on his shirt… and I did my best to lift his spirits: “Kevin! Let spring shine its happiness to you!” He handed me his iced coffee as he tried to maneuver through traffic. I steadied my iced coffee between my knees so I could wipe off the excess coffee dripping down his cup. As this was happening, the light turned green and Kevin sped up… making my coffee tip toward me, and an unfortunate amount of coffee drained out through my straw. Of course, of course, this meant I was sitting in a puddle of coffee for the duration of the ride, which of course meant it looked like I had wet (like, wet) myself. I forced myself to smile (though my initial reaction was to shriek as I had last night when the boiling spaghetti sauce exploded onto my hand) because, after all, I had just chided Kevin for his grumpy response to coffee spilling on him.

Later… we arrived at New Hanover Lutheran Church. Cool fact: it’s the oldest German Lutheran church in America! We searched the entire cemetery once, the old section three times, and had yet to locate the single Davidhizar relative I knew to be buried there. Sad to say, we didn’t find her. However. We did spend a glorious afternoon treasure-hunting in a graveyard, working together, and having a blast. The church was beautiful, we learned to identify German characters on faded tombstones, and headed to Olive Garden to finish out the day. Such fun.

Sorry if we’re weird, but we really like to frequent graveyards.

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