Sunday, December 12, 2010

Anna and Jennifer

The following is an excerpt from the journal I kept when I was seven. For your enjoyment, I have not altered or corrected any spelling, but some punctuation has been added for clarity. This type of thing is lost in translation, but I also want you to know that it was written in fairly decent cursive.
Anna & Jennifer
(Had I known what a Prologue was in 2nd grade, this would have been it.)
I wish my name could be Jennifer because it is a pretty name and because it is a populer. This story about two little girls.
Once upon a time their were two girls named Anna and Jennifer. They were both populer, but Anna was nice to people that looked diffrent and ugley but Jennifer onley liked the populer girls. They were in 3rd grade. Jennifer had a friend that was a boy. She called him her boyfriend, but Anna didn’t have a boyfriend. Then one Saterday Anna and Jennifer went to the store and Jennifer wanted to see if Anna would steal, but Anna would not steal. Then on Monday, the two of them sol a new girl. Her name was Sensila.
Jennifer came up to Sensila and said, “Hey, Sillya, you don’t have make up? If you don’t have make up, you arn’t cool, plus there are to many scares on your face.”
“S-so,” she said fritendly.
Anna said, “Hi Sensila, I’m Anna. Where are you from?”
“Nashville, Tennisea.”
“Welcome to Michigan. You will like it in Allegan. North Ward is a nice place to go to school.”
“Thank you Anna. Is that girl over there your friend?”
“You mean Jennifer?”
“Yes, but she is mean sometimes. I get use to it. You will, too.”
“I sure hope so.”
“Do you have any firends?”
“I will be your friend.”
Jennifer: “I hread that, Anna! You aren’t cool, you are hanging out with a geck.”
Anna: “She is not a geck! Just because she is uglie don’t mean she is a geck! You don’t even know what she looks like on the inside!”
Jennifer: “Whatever Anna!”

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