Baby Trivits!
Due Nov 18!
(Lord willing!)
As you may or may not have seen or heard, Kevin and I are expecting! We are incredibly excited and are absolutely overjoyed/overwhelmed that God would bless and trust us with this enormous responsibility.
I realize a blog post is neither necessary nor consequential to many/most/all of you... but I wanted to give a heads up as to what you can expect from me, an expectant mother (oh, wow). Or maybe, rather, what you can not expect.
Please do not expect me to post:
Tummy pictures... (monthly, or ever - yuck! I'm doing you a favor.)
Ultrasound pictures... (although I know my mom already posted one... I'll let that one slide... haha)
Any gratuitous statuses about cravings, morning sickness, and babies babies babies... (one of my goals for this year was to cut down on "public" complaining/whining, and I know no one cares that all I really want to eat is apple sauce and oatmeal.)
Don't get me wrong, I realize that it is good and healthy and appropriate and exciting to gush your newfound joy over being pregnant and the thought of having a child in the near future. But seeing friend after pregnant friend plastering their news (and, may I say, rather personal and private business) all over facebook while until very recently, Kevin and I had struggled with the fact that we - seemingly - were not able to have a baby... it's actually rather hurtful. I know I still have plenty of friends in that stage (waiting to conceive), and those who are struggling through/with infertility. I want to be so very, very sensitive to that.
It's ironic that two weeks ago, I was in the process of writing a blog about our inability to conceive, addressing those of you who rather indiscreetly and carelessly (however unintentionally) "gloat" over your blessed news... and the day after, I discovered I was pregnant. So, while that blog will not be posted, I hope that the spirit of it is clearly established.
Basically, I don't want to be an annoying pregnant girl who rubs it in the faces of all I'm friends with. I don't want to clog up a newsfeed. I don't want to cause anyone to despair because I'm in a different situation than they are.
But, all that being said, PLEASE: Congratulate us! Pray for us! Rejoice with us! But... do it in person. Or send me a text or email or handwritten card! Let's be more personal with all this personal stuff.
Soli Deo Gloria!